Xavier Portilla Edo

Spain Spain

Xavier borned in Valencia, but currently living in Madrid. He has several years of experience. He has a focus on Cloud, k8s, DevOps, Q&A, microservices, and Conversational AI. He is organizer of Madrid DevOps, DevopsDays Madrid, The Alexa community in Spanish and the Google Developer Group Madrid. In his spare time, he enjoys music, beer, and friends. Author of the book "The Revolution of Alexa".

Community Contributions

Kubernetes introduction workshop

Learn how to deploy your own website on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) with this hands-on Google Cloud tutorial! This event is ideal for developers and IT professionals who want to get started with Kuebernetes to scale and deploy their web application efficiently and securely. A brief introductory session to Kubernetes will be given prior to the workshop. During this event, participants will follow the Google Cloud codelab "Deploy a Website on Google Kubernetes Engine" https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/cloud-deploy-website-on-gke in real time. They will learn how to create a Kubernetes cluster, deploy a web application, manage application scalability and security, and much more. By the end of the event, participants will have a complete understanding of how to use Kubernetes and GKE to deploy and manage web applications on Kubernetes. They will also have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss their experiences with other IT professionals and developers in the Google Cloud community. Don't miss this opportunity to learn and connect with other industry experts! Previous knowledge of containerization is required. For the day of the workshop you will need a laptop with internet access.
Speaking (conference/usergroups) / 05-19-2024