Krish C Naik
I am the cofounder of iNeuron and my experience is pioneering in machine learning, deep learning, and computer vision,an educator, and a mentor, with over 10 years' experience in the industry. This is my YouTube channel where I explain various topics on machine learning, deep learning, and AI with many real-world problem scenarios. I have delivered over 30 tech talks on data science, machine learning, and AI at various meet-ups, technical institutions, and community-arranged forums. My main aim is to make everyone familiar of ML and AI.Please subscribe and support the channel. As i love new technology, all these videos are free and I promise to make more interesting content as we go ahead.
Community Contributions
Langchain Open Source Projects
Complete Python Guide And 500+ Interview Questions And Solution With Usecases
Complete Interview playlist and Guides
Complete MLOPS Project With DVC And Github Action
Here I have covered an end to end project with deployment ussing MLOPs tools, DVC and github action. This tools can be used in industries to make projectss efficiently
Complete Data Science Guide
I have contributed the amazing guide for preparing for Data Science with open source projects which can help people working in companies to implement projects and also people make amazing transition in the Data Science Industry.
Complete Data Science And Data Analytics Guide-Cheatsheet,Handwritten Notes Including Videos
Complete Guide To Become a Pro Data Scientist.
Complete Statistics for Data Science Tutorials
This video is to understand how we can use statisstics and solve some amazing real world usecases in Data Science Industry
Google GDSC MPSTME AI Summit
I spoke about the lifecycle of the entire Data Science Projects using various MLOPS Tool. Also showed a practical usecase how we can use github action to create CI cd pipepline and automate various process
Data Science Transition Stories 2023
Here is aplaylist of videos with the complete guidance how we can crack various job roles uch as data scientist,data analyst,ml engineers,big data engineers and many more.