Vanessa Aristizabal

Colombia Colombia

GDE in Angular & Web Technologies. Women techmaker Ambassador. Frontend developer, code cartoon, book lover, illustrator, speaker, mentor and content creator. I am a programmer who is curious, passionate and loves the Web, and who loves to contribute to the Development Software community. Topics of Interest: HTML, CSS (and preprocessors: SASS, LESS), Javascript, Typescript. Frameworks and libraries: Angular, React (Next.js)

Community Contributions

Conoce más acerca de GitHub Copilot y GitHub pages

As one of the organizers of the event "Conoce más acerca de GitHub Copilot y GitHub Pages," I had the opportunity to help coordinate and manage an exciting and engaging gathering for the GitHub community in Medellín. Our event agenda was packed with interesting activities designed to foster learning and community building: 6:00 p.m. - check-in. 6:10 p.m. - Introduction to our GitHub Medellín community. 6:25 p.m. - "The Best Team: Codespaces, GitHub, Copilot, and VSC" - presented by Andres Bedoya. 7:15 p.m. - "Publish Your Pages with GitHub Pages" - presented by Jean Paul. 7:40 p.m. - Networking and raffles. This event was a milestone in establishing a vibrant and connected GitHub community in Medellín, encouraging collaboration and growth among local developers.
Event organization / 06-20-2024

Integrando la API de Gemini en React: Creación de Funcionalidades de Chat y Texto Interactivas.

In this tech talk, we'll integrate the Gemini API to add chat functionality or text prompts to a React app. We will begin with an introduction to the Gemini API, highlighting its main features and how these can be used to enrich applications with interactive functionalities. Next, we'll dive into the initial setup to consume the API from React. Using concrete examples, we will illustrate how to make API calls to send and receive messages and how to implement user interfaces for chat or text input. We will cover best practices for handling asynchronous operations using Hooks and for state management, thus ensuring that our application is reactive and efficient.
Speaking (conference/usergroups) / 05-04-2024