Eyar Zilberman

Israel Israel

🔭 Co-organizer of the biggest GitHub User Group in the universe | 💼 Chief Product Officer @ datreeio | 🔧 YAML Engineer | ☸️ Maintainer & contributor of various Kubernetes-related OSS projects | 🎙️ Podcaster | 🧙‍♂️ Big fan of PLG (Product Led Growth) | 🐐 Goats lover

Community Contributions

Efficient Code Reviews with CodeQL & Unpacking GitHub Copilot: Advanced Tricks

Efficient Code Reviews with CodeQL by Uriel Yair (Application Security Tech Lead @ Comsec) Let’s talk about code reviews, no, not those you are so used to (and exhausted from..). There are other kinds, the one that drives developers nuts from getting them to heaven… I mean production. I want to introduce the security-oriented code review and how we can speed up the process with a bit of the help of CodeQL. In this talk we’ll speak about CodeQL, what it does, why is it here in the first place, and why companies really need it. We’ll try to understand if we can save some of our costs on the application security team because we have another pair of eyes that watch over our codebase so we might miss a few spots here and there. At last, we will see how to use CodeQL in our GitHub repository. Unpacking GitHub Copilot: Advanced Tricks by Eyar Zilberman (CPO @ Datree) We already know that GitHub copilot is super cool, and you have even had it installed on your IDE, but are you sure you're leveraging its full capabilities to write better (and faster) code? In this session, we will review some advanced usage of Copilot, and we will deep dive into how to customize it to your needs. We will also discuss the downsides of the tool and how to make sure copilot will not replace us all as developers in the future ;)
Event organization / 08-02-2023

Tracing the Open Source Revolution & Tracing the Git Revolution

Tracing the Open Source Revolution by Tomer Brisker (Principal Software Engineer & Tech Lead @ Red Hat) Everyone in the software development world today has at least heard about Open Source, but this wasn't always the case. Where did Open Source come from? What are the ideas behind it? What are the differences between the various licenses? How can some companies profit from Open Source if the software can be copied and changed freely? And, most importantly - why should you care about it? Tracing the Git Revolution by Shalev Avhar (Software Developer @ Datree) By understanding Git's historical context, you can acquire a deeper appreciation for its significance and its applications in modern development workflows. In this session, we'll uncover the captivating history of Git and explore how it has become a fundamental tool for efficient code management in today's software landscape. We'll explore the essential historical journey of Git, from its inception to becoming a ubiquitous technology in modern software development. In this session, we will unravel the story behind Git's origins, its rise to prominence and its pivotal role in enabling efficient code management. We'll also delve into the milestones that have shaped Git's evolution, including the transformative impact of platforms like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket. Gain valuable insights into how these platforms have revolutionized open-source collaboration and facilitated knowledge-sharing among developers worldwide.
Event organization / 06-25-2023

Prompt Engineering with GitHub Copilot

This session will introduce participants to the world of prompt engineering using GitHub Copilot, a tool that leverages machine learning to provide code suggestions. It is geared towards beginners who want to improve their coding skills and learn how to use this powerful tool to increase their productivity. The session will cover the basics of prompt engineering, including how to create prompts, customize them, and use them to generate code. Participants will have the opportunity to see Copilot in action and learn best practices for incorporating it into their workflow. By the end of the meetup, attendees will have a solid foundation in prompt engineering and be able to confidently use GitHub Copilot to write better code.
Speaking (conference/usergroups) / 05-23-2023

One Code Contribution Changed My Career & OS Project as a Personal Growth Engine

How One Code Contribution Changed My Career by Ran Isenberg (Principal Software Architect @ CyberArk) On October 2nd, 2020, my first pull request to an open-source project was merged. Little did I know that it would lead to my promotion to System Architect and that I'd talk about it at the AWS TLV Summit in Israel. In this talk, I share my journey in the open-source world and how it improved my engineering skills, led to my promotion at work, and introduced new opportunities in public speaking, podcast appearances, and blog writing. I will discuss soft skills and behaviors that allowed me to advance my career and share tips and tricks for new code contributions while keeping a work-life balance so you can start your journey. Open-Source Project as a Personal Growth Engine by Lior Yardeni (Backend Developer @ LSEG) & Pavel Zagalsky (Backend Engineer @ Intel) We will present our open source project, a simplified system to deploy and manage multi-cloud assets and their costs, and we will also share the added value we gained through the development process, from skills sharpening to a full-on career change.
Event organization / 04-16-2023

Unpacking GitHub Copilot: Advanced Tricks

We already know that GitHub copilot is super cool, and you have even had it installed on your IDE, but are you sure you're leveraging its full capabilities to write better (and faster) code? In this session, we will review some advanced usage of Copilot, and we will deep dive into how to customize it to your needs. We will also discuss the downsides of the tool and how to make sure copilot will not replace us all as developers in the future ;)
Speaking (conference/usergroups) / 02-08-2023

Drunken Idea Leads to Wild ML Adventure & ML-Ops: The Quest for Full-Blown SCM

Drunken Idea Leads to Wild ML Adventure By Liza Katz (Software Engineer) The story begins with a night of excessive drinking in great company, as many great stories do. An interesting and provocative idea grabbed my attention. Weeks have passed, and I couldn't stop thinking about it, so I decided to give it a shot. This talk tells the story of my journey pursuing that idea into the ML realm: full of twists and turns, late night debugging sessions, kind and helpful people, technical challenges, frustrations, and many many photos I'll never be able to forget. ML-Ops: The Quest for Full-Blown Source Control By Itai Admi (Team Leader @ Treeverse) As the industry slowly progresses towards full-blown ML-Ops platforms - implement design, model development and operation of machine learning. Automating data science operation with CI/CD has many requirements that as an industry we almost solved. For example Feature Store with Tekton, ML Metadata Store with Neptune, and ML Flow orchestrator with Kubeflow. Having said that, we are still missing the piece of full blown source control. Which includes, version control for Code, Data, and ML Model artifacts. Using Github we can version control our code and ML artifacts pretty easily. When trying to version our data, we hit the wall of scalability and security. Our next challenge in tracking the ML-Ops journey is understanding how to fully version control our data and connect it with the rest of the machine learning automation efforts. In this session, you will learn how to track your MLOps journey, the tools that proved themselves in the industry and take full advantage of OSS tools for versioning your data.
Event organization / 01-09-2023