Yanina Bellini Saibene

Argentina Argentina

Yani is rOpenSci Community Manager, R-Ladies Project Lead, and professor at several universities in Argentina and Uruguay. She has a background in Information Systems and Agricultural Research (she was a researcher at the Argentine National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) for 24 years). She also has an M.S. in Data Mining and Knowledge Management. She is a passionate instructor and loves writing and talking about data management, data science, and artificial intelligence in her field. She was global coordinator of useR!2021, chair of the Argentine Congress of Agroinformatics (CAI) and general chair of the Argentine Conference on Informatics and Operational Research (JAIIO). She is also a Community leader: she co-founds MetaDocencia, LatinR, and R-Ladies Santa Rosa and is a member of The Carpentries Executive Council, R-Ladies Global Team, RForwards Core Team, R Consortium Infrastructure Steering Committee, R4DS_ES, useR! Working Group, MiR, Open Heroines and Sociedad Argentina de Informática. She also led and was part of several volunteer teams that translated Data Science and teaching material into Spanish. She is a prolific international bilingual speaker and teacher thanks to these communities.

Community Contributions

Research Software Camp: From spreadsheets to R

“From spreadsheets to R” will take place on 27 November, from 14:00 to 17:00 GMT, as part of the Research Software Camp: Digital Skills for Research Technical Staff. RStudio certified instructor, Yanina Bellini Saibene has put together this R introductory course for new or beginner coders. “From spreadsheets to R” is intended for people who use spreadsheets for data manipulation and analysis, but have never programmed and would like to learn how to work with R. This course aims to answer questions such as: "Why use R?" and "Where to start?" Yanina will work with R in an orderly and reproducible way, using a workflow that allows those who take this course to apply good programming practices, work collaboratively and present their work in a single document that includes the analysis and the results. Whenever she can, Yanina will indicate how the issues she proposes to solve with R can also be solved with spreadsheets and the advantages and disadvantages in each case. Each section includes exercises and challenges together with the examples and uses some useful data sets for the problem we want to solve. These data is realistic so that anyone can find similarities with their own data and can apply what they have learned to other situations.
Speaking (conference/usergroups) / 11-27-2024

Mastodon Quick Start Guide

This guide was first developed and published in October 2023 and then updated and re-released in November 2024 by rOpenSci and The Carpentries to help break down barriers for our community members interested in adopting Mastodon as a social media platform. It offers tips to help get started and is not meant to be a comprehensive overview of the platform. Therefore, it includes other trusted resources where you can learn more. We welcome feedback on this guide by emailing info@ropensci.org or community@carpentries.org.
Article/Publication / 11-20-2024

Usando Quarto Live para tutoriales interactivos

Quarto Live es una extensión para Quarto que permite ejecutar código de R y Python de forma interactiva en un documento web mediante WebAssembly. Esta extensión se presenta como la evolución del paquete {learnr} para generar tutoriales y documentación interactiva, con la ventaja que se pueden publicar los documentos generados en servicios web estáticos como Netlify o GitHub Pages. En esta charla presentaremos la experiencia de traducir tutoriales de learnr a Quarto Live y de generar tutoriales desde cero, como agregar ejecicios y preguntas multiples.
Speaking (conference/usergroups) / 11-20-2024