Yanina Bellini Saibene

Argentina Argentina

Yani is rOpenSci Community Manager, R-Ladies Project Lead, and professor at several universities in Argentina and Uruguay. She has a background in Information Systems and Agricultural Research (she was a researcher at the Argentine National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) for 24 years). She also has an M.S. in Data Mining and Knowledge Management. She is a passionate instructor and loves writing and talking about data management, data science, and artificial intelligence in her field. She was global coordinator of useR!2021, chair of the Argentine Congress of Agroinformatics (CAI) and general chair of the Argentine Conference on Informatics and Operational Research (JAIIO). She is also a Community leader: she co-founds MetaDocencia, LatinR, and R-Ladies Santa Rosa and is a member of The Carpentries Executive Council, R-Ladies Global Team, RForwards Core Team, R Consortium Infrastructure Steering Committee, R4DS_ES, useR! Working Group, MiR, Open Heroines and Sociedad Argentina de Informática. She also led and was part of several volunteer teams that translated Data Science and teaching material into Spanish. She is a prolific international bilingual speaker and teacher thanks to these communities.

Community Contributions

Fostering Diversity and Sustainability in the Open Source Scientific Software Community. The rOpenSci Champions Program

Research software plays a crucial role in advancing knowledge and innovation, and its development should be inclusive and representative of the diverse communities it serves. Unfortunately, the R and research software communities face a lack of diversity, with developers predominantly being white, male, and from a limited number of countries. This lack of inclusivity raises concerns about the long-term sustainability and utility of projects. In response to this challenge, the rOpenSci Champions Program specifically targets individuals from underrepresented groups who are keen on contributing to rOpenSci and the broader open science ecosystem. In this talk, we will share the motivations behind the creation of the rOpenSci Champions Program, exploring its goals, structure, and the opportunities it provides for participants. We will share insights gained from the implementation of the program’s pilot phase, highlighting key outcomes, success stories, and lessons learned. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the strategies employed to foster a more inclusive and diverse developer community in the R ecosystem. By showcasing the rOpenSci Champions Program, this talk aims to inspire similar initiatives across the open source landscape and contribute to the ongoing dialogue on enhancing diversity, sustainability, and collaboration in research software development. Talk license:CC-BY.
Speaking (conference/usergroups) / 02-10-2024

rOpenSci 2023 Code of Conduct Transparency Report

The rOpenSci community is supported by our Code of Conduct with a clear description of unacceptable behaviors, instructions on how to make a report, and information on how reports are handled. We, the Code of Conduct Committee, are responsible for receiving, investigating, deciding, enforcing and reporting on all reports of potential violations of our Code. We are committed to transparency with our community while upholding the privacy of people who experience or report incidents.
Blogpost / 01-12-2024

R-Ladies Project Lead

I've been the R-Ladies Project Lead since 2022. I continue in this role. This role is given by the R Consortium to the person who represents R-Ladies in their Infrastructure Steering Committee. R-LADIES IS A WORLDWIDE ORGANIZATION WHOSE MISSION IS TO PROMOTE GENDER DIVERSITY IN THE R COMMUNITY. The R community suffers from an under-representation of minority genders (including but not limited to cis/trans women, trans men, non-binary, genderqueer, agender) in every role and area of participation, whether as leaders, package developers, conference speakers, conference participants, educators, or users (see recent stats). As a diversity initiative, the mission of R-Ladies is to achieve proportionate representation by encouraging, inspiring, and empowering people of genders currently under-represented in the R community. R-Ladies’ primary focus, therefore, is on supporting minority gender R enthusiasts to achieve their programming potential, by building a collaborative global network of R leaders, mentors, learners, and developers to facilitate individual and collective progress worldwide.
Other / 12-31-2023

Mi primera Posit Conf en persona

Mi primera Posit::Conf en persona fue un hito emocionante, después de participar virtualmente en RStudio::global en 2021. Agradezco a Shannon Pileggi y Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel por permitirme participar como ayudante en el taller Causal Inference with R durante la conferencia en Chicago. La experiencia estuvo llena de momentos destacados, desde charlas sobre la sostenibilidad de comunidades hasta reflexiones sobre el desarrollo de paquetes R y la integración de inteligencia artificial en RStudio. Descubrí nuevas tecnologías como ShinyLive y WebR, que presentan enfoques innovadores para ejecutar aplicaciones Shiny interactivas sin servidor. La comunidad de R-Ladies como siempre dejó una marca especial, con encuentros diarios llenos de intercambio y aprendizaje. El evento culminó con un evento conjunto de R-Ladies Global y R-Ladies Chicago. La experiencia de conocer en persona al nuevo equipo de liderazgo de R-Ladies y expresar mi agradecimiento fue el broche perfecto para un evento lleno de aprendizaje y conexión en mi comunidad favorita.
Blogpost / 12-11-2023

Member The Carpentries Executive Council and Board of Directors

I'm part of the Board of Directors of The Carpentries Incorporated and a member of the Executive Council of The Carpentries project fiscal sponsored by Communities Initiatives. I have had this position since 2022. The community elected me to serve in the EC and was invited by the organization to serve in the BoD. I have had this position since 2023. The Carpentries teach foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide.
Other / 12-01-2023