Yanina Bellini Saibene

Argentina Argentina

Yani is rOpenSci Community Manager, R-Ladies Project Lead, and professor at several universities in Argentina and Uruguay. She has a background in Information Systems and Agricultural Research (she was a researcher at the Argentine National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) for 24 years). She also has an M.S. in Data Mining and Knowledge Management. She is a passionate instructor and loves writing and talking about data management, data science, and artificial intelligence in her field. She was global coordinator of useR!2021, chair of the Argentine Congress of Agroinformatics (CAI) and general chair of the Argentine Conference on Informatics and Operational Research (JAIIO). She is also a Community leader: she co-founds MetaDocencia, LatinR, and R-Ladies Santa Rosa and is a member of The Carpentries Executive Council, R-Ladies Global Team, RForwards Core Team, R Consortium Infrastructure Steering Committee, R4DS_ES, useR! Working Group, MiR, Open Heroines and Sociedad Argentina de Informática. She also led and was part of several volunteer teams that translated Data Science and teaching material into Spanish. She is a prolific international bilingual speaker and teacher thanks to these communities.

Community Contributions

Screen Reader Accessible Tools and Resources for Learning and Working with R

The webinar is organized by rOpenSci’s Champions, Alican Cagri Gokcek, in collaboration with Engine Yilmaz from Boğaziçi University (Turkey) and Yani Bellini Saibene (rOpenSci). Our Community Manager, Yani Bellini Saibene, will moderate a panel featuring Liz Hare and Alican Cagri Gokcek, both participants in our Champions Program, as speakers. Cagri and Liz will share their experiences with screen reader-accessible tools and resources for learning and working with R from the perspectives of a beginner and an experienced R user. They will also discuss their experiences in the rOpenSci Champions Program.
Event organization / 09-10-2024

rOpenSci Community Collaboration Insight Using Social Networks Analysis

In June 2022 I (Yani) become the rOpenSci Community Manager. To do a good job in this kind of role it is essential to know your community, so as soon I started I dug in: reading our documentation, learning our processes and their metrics, and conducting interviews with team-mates and community members. In my previous experience working with scientific and technological communities of practice, in collaboration with Sandro, I had used a tool called Social Network Analysis to understand the interaction of the members and plan strategies around the activities. This served me well and I was looking forward to applying it to the rOpenSci community In this blog post we present how we have used this tool with R, to better understand and manage the rOpenSci community.
Blogpost / 07-11-2024